Back to School

Welcome back!  We spent our first full week with our students last week!  We divided our time among getting to know you activities and building community, going over ESL classroom expectations, assessments, and launching our classroom reading program.  

While all of those things are essential this time of year, my favorite is getting my students excited about reading. After completing running records with a small comprehension check, I determined everyone's individual reading level.  Then, we jumped in.  We read Dr. Seuss's Oh the Places You'll Go. We looked at the popular graphic of how reading 20 minutes each day of the school year, helps you become a better student.  We learned what our just right books are and how are reading levels match up with our classroom library.  (For more information on how I set mine up, click here.)  We set personal reading goals and checked out our first book.

It called for a mini celebration! 

A little photo booth fun...

I can't wait to see how many books we devour this year!

Happy Adventuring, 